In various media mentions.
I had a successful talk on my design works at National University of Singapore where I received a standing ovation after showcasing my portfolio and works. Minister Teo Ser Luck was the guest of honour and the media was there. Out of the ten speakers, I was surprised (and very lucky) that the media chose me to feature in the chinese national papers the very next day.

Interview by Lian He Zao Bao which was published in a LKY memorial app available for download on iTunes after I had completed an artwork on him using melting candle wax. (Year 2015)

I did a "drawing" of the late Mr Lee using only confetti. The artwork caused a viral effect and it was broadcasted on Channel 5, 8, CNA and printed on TODAY, Straits Times, Mothership, and more.
Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of tea session with Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong, at the Istana where we shared a lovely afternoon and a tour of Istana's restricted areas to the public.